National Council of EEOC Locals,No. 216
Survey for Employees: Interfacing with the National Call Center (NCC)

1. Name:

2. EEOC Office Location (city/state):

3. I am an 

4. Grade

5.  Since the implementation of the NCC, has the number of calls you need to return:

6. Please describe what happened when you spoke to a caller who was referred to you by the NCC:

7. Describe the quality of information that you received from the NCC about the caller, including information contained in E-assessment questionnaires:


8. Describe the time savings, if any, that resulted from the caller initially contacting the NCC:


9. Describe the quality of information that the caller received from the NCC:


10. Describe the caller’s experience with the NCC:


11. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = lowest; 5 = highest) please rate the performance of the NCC:


12. Comments/Details on your experience with the NCC:

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